
Curbside Composter

Curbside Composter

Did you know that food waste is the second largest landfill contribution in the US, and nearly 1/3 of all food is wasted from farm to fork?

You can help us combat this problem.

We are proud to now partner with Curbside Composter for our business composting needs, and we hope you will join us in our effort to reduce what is headed to the landfills. Composting is a simple solution that not only removes this waste from landfill but returns its valuable nutrients to the soil.

Our friends at Curbisde Composter want to help you reduce your food waste, too. They offer a residential compostable materials pick up service as well. Simply collect your food waste in one of their buckets, and they will take care of the rest. You can rest assured knowing that your food waste will benefit local farms.

At Pasture and Plenty, we compost about 1000 pounds per week, 25+ tons per year! Small chages add up, friends!

(this link will take you to the Curbside Composter website)