
Weekly Menu/ Kitchen Notes

Weekly Meal Kit I April 23

How about we don’t even mention that thing that happened earlier this week… Let’s just look ahead at the coming week instead. I mean, we don’t to jinx it or anything, but it looks like Spring has actually arrived – and is here to stay! So put away your shovels and scrapers and bring out the grill. You’re going to need it for next week’s cook kit. Scroll down to see what coming! Omnivore Menu Vegetarian Menu

Weekly Meal Kit I April 16

It’s Friday the 13th of APRIL and the forecast calls for freezing rain. Now that’s scary. We plan to curl up with some comfort food this weekend and recommend you do the same. Hopefully you have something special from P&P stashed away in your freezer for a weekend just like this one. For now, let’s all dream about the warmer week ahead and the delicious meals that are coming your way. Scroll down to see what’s coming! Omnivore Recipe Sheet Vegetarian Recipes Sheet

Weekly Meal Kit I April 9

Well, it looks like Spring wasn’t here to stay after all. Hard sigh. Fingers crossed that this is the last we’ll see of old man winter until later this year. In the meantime, we’ll keep waiting patiently for that fresh smell in the air that follows the Spring thaw. Speaking of things that seem like they will never end….  we are still waiting for the finishing touches on our kitchen remodel. Thank your continued support during this transition. A reminder that […]

Weekly Meal Kit I April 2

We hope you enjoyed your culinary jaunt around the globe this week. Get ready for round 2. Next week we’ll be taking you on another tantalizing tour. Scroll down to see what’s coming. The week after next (April 9), we will have another adjusted format. Thanks for bearing with us during our renovations – which are taking a bit longer than planned. You will find three delicious farm-to-freezer meals in your bag. A Farro Risotto with Cranberry Beans, Kale, and Toasted Walnuts, […]

Weekly Meal Kit I March 26

Spring, is that you? Are you really here? Like, for good? We sure hope so! We’ve been savoring every drop of Spring sunshine and looking forward soaking up even more this weekend. Next week we’ll be taking  you on a culinary tour of Italy, North Africa and India. It’s going to be great. Scroll down to see what’s coming. Building updates As with most renovation projects, it’s no surprise that our kitchen is taking longer than planned. Nothing changes for your, but our […]

Weekly Meal Kit I March 19

Happy Friday P&P people. Next week, the cook kit returns! You’ll get back on your game cooking up burgers with gouda, arugula and spicy mayo served on brioche bun along with a side of grilled or roasted zucchini.  It’s a little taste of those summer days ahead. Scroll down to see what else is coming. Building updates  Roof. Check! New hood. Check! Walls and floors. Check! check! We’re so close… Next week we get to move back into our new and improved kitchen and we couldn’t be more […]

Weekly Meal Kit I March 12

We’re pretty jazzed over here about the extra hour of sunshine we got this evening, even if it was at the expense of an hour of sleep. We hope you are feeling energized and ready to tackle the week ahead. Speaking of which, another transitional week starts tomorrow. Your bag will have two farm-to-freezer dishes and one ready-to-eat meal. Since we know some of you are craving that hands-on time in the kitchen, we added a little “extra” to your extra goodness. Hint: […]

Weekly Meal Kit I March 5

It’s all happening! We are in full-blown construction mode. We’ll share a sneak peek soon. Just a reminder that your bag next week will be a little different while we’re in this short transitional period. Instead of a cook kit, you will be receiving a second farm-to-freezer meal alongside your ready-to-eat meal. You will also see a big bag of fresh greens with an herb vinaigrette for you to enjoy as you see fit throughout the week. Some extra goodness will still […]

Weekly Meal Kit I February 26

It’s an exciting Friday at Pasture and Plenty. Next week we will officially kick off the last phase of our renovation. We can’t wait for the big unveiling. In the meantime, our storefront will be closed for lunch and dinner for a few weeks, but your meal kit subscription will not be interrupted. As we mentioned, the format will be slightly different during these weeks, but every bit as delicious. Speaking of time off, we know some of you may have Spring break […]

Weekly Meal Kit I February 19

We hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Perhaps you decided to stay at home and enjoy one of the options from this week’s bag of goodness. That bulgogi burger was definitely date-night material. Scroll down to take a look at what will be in your bag next week. We’re hosting Big Mouth Pasta for a pop-up dinner on Tuesday, February 20th starting at 5 pm. Big Mouth Pasta has planned a delicious spread for our table. Check out the menu here. We hope […]